Our Story
Our family has lived on the 38 acres on Highway 966 that is now Oak Run for many years. We loved to share this special place with friends and family and now we are thrilled to have the opportunity to share it with others!
We knew that whatever we created on our property, it needed to be aesthetically beautiful, compliment the landscape and be of the highest quality. We set about researching architectural firms with a history of creating such projects. We eventually settled on Architects Southwest in Lafayette after experiencing their masterful accomplishment with River Ranch.
The first person we met with at Architects Southwest was Steve Oubre. Steve is the founder of Architects Southwest, and he has been an award-winning architect for the past 40 years. Steve has been instrumental in pioneering the ‘New Urbanism’ philosophy of walkable, mixed use residential developments all along the US gulf coast.
Steve generously helped us understand some of the more important design principals and controls that needed to be in place to make Oak Run a success and to create long term value for its residents.
Steve introduced us to Kerry Frey of Architects Southwest and Kerry became the lead designer and planner of Oak Run. Kerry has been instrumental in helping to develop Oak Run’s vision, design concept and building guidelines.
In 2020, Architects Southwest had merged with Abell + Crozier Architects to form ACSW Architects of Lafayette, Louisiana).
We knew our team would need a construction professional intimately in tune with the preservation of Oak Run's natural beauty while managing the formidable task of installing the infrastructure. We selected Kurt Miller Sr., of Construct 225 LLC to be our construction professional and to be a permanent member of the Oak Run team.
In 2019, West Feliciana Parish enacted a moratorium on large scale developments across the parish. Oak Run was previously approved by the parish and was therefore exempt from this moratorium. We received final plat approval from the parish in March 2023. Immediately, following our final approval, the Parish voted to change the parish's land use ordinances making all future developments much more difficult to create.
We now understand that Oak Run is probably the only development to be approved for many years to come. We feel this makes Oak Run very special and a rare opportunity for those that want to experience a contemporary lifestyle in a beautiful, natural setting.
In evaluating the design concept of Oak Run, we paid particular attention to the future direction of home design-especially post Covid-and we discovered several strong trends.
Many people have rediscovered the restorative power of nature, the benefits of an outdoor lifestyle, the importance of more time spent with family and friends, and the potential benefits of intergenerational living. We discovered that individuals entering their retirement years want more space to develop their hobbies and interests---and not less. Separate spaces for gardens, artistic pursuits, guest houses, pools, and gyms are all on their wish lists; all of which our 1-2 acres of land on residential properties presents the opportunity for.
We developed the Oak Run Covenants and Restrictions and the Oak Run Design Guidelines with many of these ideas in mind and to further the long-term value, and aesthetic cohesion of the Oak Run community.
The Oak Run Architectural Board and Architectural Design Review Process will ensure that all building projects meet the building standards and design criteria set forth in the Oak Run CCRs and Design Guidelines.
We hope you enjoy Oak Run as much as we do. We hope your dreams will take root here and blossom for years to come.

Steve Oubre
Steve Oubre has over 40 years of experience in managing projects as Principal-In-Charge of a wide range of award-winning building types, including ecclesiastic buildings and campus master plans, schools and universities, museums, medical and healthcare facilities, restaurants, office buildings, recreation centers, and most recently New Urbanist developments along the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Kerry Frey
Kerry Frey has been heavily involved in the urban planning studio. His work has covered the spectrum from micro-neighborhoods to campus master plans and large-scale urban developments. Frey has been integral in every stage of the design process.

Kurt Miller Sr.
Kurt Miller Sr., CONSTRUCT225, is a seasoned builder and developer with 30 years of experience.
His commitment to excellence and attention to detail is evident in every project he undertakes; from custom homes,Class A multifamily communities, or developing projects from inception to completion.
Kurt's attention to detail during the construction of Oak Run's infrastructure was invaluable.